Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
How can Acupuncture benefit you?
There is a growing body of evidence-based clinical research showing that Acupuncture safely treats a wide range of common health problems, from clearly defined complaints such as headaches, neck and back ache and osteoarthritic knee pain, through to more general feelings of ill health such as low energy. The World Health Organization has compiled a long list of conditions it considers Acupuncture to be proven effective in treating, including depression, morning sickness, rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow and high blood pressure.
To find out more about how Acupuncture can help you, give me a call onĀ 07940 022 851 to book a free 15-minute consultation in Bath, Corsham or Tetbury.
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture originated in China more than 2000 years ago. It uses Chinese Medicine principles to diagnose patterns of imbalance in your body. Treatments aim to address the root of your condition as well as your main symptoms. The focus of Chinese Medicine is on the individual, not the illness, and the diagnosis is unique to each individual. For example, an identical Western diagnosis given to five different people may manifest slightly differently in each of these five people; I will seek to discover how your body best responds to treatment, and design a treatment that is unique to you.
Learn more about how Acupuncture works here.
Research fact sheets on conditions treated
For an A-Z list of fact sheets on conditions treated by Acupuncture, visit the British Acupuncture Council website.
Prevention is better than cure
Many healthy people receive regular top-up treatments every 4-5 weeks to enhance their well-being and help reduce their chances of getting ill in the future. Regular treatments can become an important aspect of your health-care regime.
What does a treatment involve?
Specific points are stimulated by very fine sterile needles. Other techniques may be used when appropriate:- Moxibustion involves the application of heat to an Acupuncture point or a specific area of the body to provide warmth and boost energy where needed. It is also used to turn breech babies.
Cupping may be used to stimulate blood flow and clear tension. It is incredibly relaxing and great for tight necks and shoulders.
Rubbing the skin with a guasha tool helps increase blood flow, aids tight muscles, and can help reduce the effects of the common cold when in its initial stages.
Advice and dietary tips
As part of your treatment plan, we may talk about small changes you can make to your diet or your daily routine to can help speed up your road to recovery and help you make the most out of your life. For example, some people can benefit from taking 10 minutes a day to help relax and recharge their batteries, particularly if they lead very busy lives. Possible suggestions might include a short walk in nature with your dog, sitting quietly following a breathing technique, or doing some yoga stretches.